Adding  New Vendor ACH accounts

On a Green Screen got to VIPEDM

  1. (1) Document Management
  2. (4) Work with Destinations
  3. Press F4 For the Position to group
  4. On the prompt line enter V_ Field + to clear out the rest of the Field
  5. Page down to a vendor number closest to the vendor number you are adding
  6. Put a 3 on the line and enter
  7. Copy & Paste in the new vendor number and vendor name tap Enter
  8. Put a 2 on the line with the entry you just added
  9. Tap enter 3 times to get to the “Destination mail details” page
  10. Copy & Paste the Mail Id and Mail Domain from the ticket
  11. Then tap enter until you are back to the main page
  12. Done